Bebe Cool has warned people not to compare themselves to him if they cannot afford to pay for a police bond.

Bobi Wine, who is considered one of the three top musicians, suggested that the label should be abolished because some new artists are doing exceptional work. However, Bebe Cool disagrees and doesn't think that any new artist can match the accomplishments of him, Jose Chameleone, and Bobi Wine.

Bebe Cool, whose real name is Moses Ssali, believes that the "big three" label is appropriate for them because they have financial stability, connections, and have produced exceptional music.
According to him, it's difficult for any new artist to surpass them in terms of their wealth and success. He argued that to achieve the level of success they have, one must possess a combination of several factors such as talent, family background, financial stability, property ownership, and social capital. This includes factors such as knowing influential people and having the ability to do certain things.

According to Cool, some musicians are unable to afford their own police bond and have to call multiple people for help, whereas he and the other two big musicians are financially stable, well-connected, and have released great music, which is why the label should be reserved for them.

Bebe Cool also criticized Wine for being too appreciative of up-and-coming musicians, which he believes is a result of laziness. He further added that established musicians should not be afraid to speak out and should not make excuses for their lack of relevance.

According to Cool, some musicians are so financially unstable that they can't even afford to pay for their own police bond and have to rely on others. He also claimed that Wine only praises up-and-coming artists because he has become lazy. Cool urged established musicians to stop excessively praising new musicians, accusing them of becoming complacent and afraid to speak out due to fear of backlash. He further suggested that some well-known musicians have become lazy and are making excuses, citing the claim that the "big three" are no longer relevant.

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