Victor Kamenyo says that Bobi Wine told him that women are like children.

Rapper Derrick Katongole is a member of the National Unity Platform party, which is led by Wine. He ran for Lord Councilor LCV Rubaga Division in Kampala on the party's ticket before.

Kamenyo is trying to get Ruth Akoragye back after she broke up with him because he was flirting with another woman on WhatsApp. He said he looks up to Wine in many parts of his life.

"He is my president, my friend, and my teacher. I pay a lot of attention to everything he does, starting with his relationship. His way of doing things is perfect. I went to get help and guidance. I had a chance to talk to him, so I told him about my problems. He told me that he would stop by when he had time. You know he has a lot going on, so I'm glad I got the chance... He gave me some advice, "Kamenyo said this, adding that he had taught him something important about women.

"He told me women are like children. You have to treat a woman like a child and keep fighting for what you want, so I now feel strong and optimistic." Wine has been married to Barbie, whose real name is Barbara Itungo, for 11 years. Wine told Kamenyo that prayer also helps. The Nakayima hitmaker said, "He told me to seek God's favor in everything I do. He is a very smart man."

The singer has tried many times without success to get Akoragye back into the relationship. He has written her handwritten apologies, brought her flowers, and even tattooed her face on his chest. But he still thinks he has a chance. The Nduulu singer also said that she doesn't talk about him with her family, even when they try to.

"Even when her family members try to talk to her about me, she avoids them," he said. Two years had passed since they met.

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